
Daily Torah Study

Dedicate a day of study in honor or memory of a loved one.
Citing the verse (Isaiah 1:27) "Zion shall be redeemed with mishpat [Torah] and its returnees with tzedakah [charity]," the Rebbe urged that we increase in Torah study – and particularly the study of the laws of the Holy Temple – and charity during this period.
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Rashi's commentary is an indispensable part of a person's daily studies. His explanation of Chumash, the first five books of the Torah, clarifies the "simple" meaning of the text so that a bright child of five could understand it. At the same time, it is the crucial foundation of some of the most profound legal analysis and mystical discourses that came after it.
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Produced by King David, the book of Psalms has been a source of inspiration and a refuge from distress throughout the centuries for both Jews and non-Jews. To read from its pages is to enter into a conversation with G-d, whether to express our gratitude or plead for His compassion and confers upon the reader the ability to draw down a G-dly light which can light up the world. You can view Psalms in their original Hebrew or in a contemporary translation into English.
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Chabad Chassidus is an all-embracing world outlook and way of life which sees the Jew's central purpose as a unifying link between the Creator and His world. Written by the Alter Rebbe, the founder of Chabad, Tanya is the central text of Chabad Chassidus. It shows the reader a path to realizing their purpose and developing a deeper relationship with G-d. Choose from one of the two formats available: through Lessons in Tanya - a profound and clear explanation of the Alter Rebbe's writings, or through an audio class.
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Hayom Yom, an expression which translates as "Day by Day," is a collection of concise thoughts, often relevant to the season or portion of study when it appears, which gives the reader food to sustain the soul each day of the year. HaYom Yom was written to be used in 1942-1943 (5703 in the Hebrew calendar), and that format has been retained; the daily lessons, the Haftora, etc. thus relate to that specific year.
The Mishneh Torah was the Rambam's (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon) magnum opus, a work spanning hundreds of chapters and describing all of the laws mentioned in the Torah. To this day it is the only work that details all of Jewish observance, including those laws which are only applicable when the Holy Temple is in place. Participating in one of the annual study cycles of these laws (3 chapters/day, 1 chapter/day, or Sefer Hamitzvot) is a way we can play a small but essential part in rebuilding the final Temple.
Download Rambam Study Schedules: 3 Chapters | 1 Chapter | Daily Mitzvah
Daily Quote
Once there was a king who decreed: The people of Rome are forbidden to go down to Syria, and the people of Syria are forbidden to go up to Rome. Likewise, when G-d created the world He decreed and said: "The heavens are G-d's, and the earth is given to man." But when He wished to give the Torah to Israel, He rescinded His original decree, and declared: The lower realms may ascend to the higher realms, and the higher realms may descend to the lower realms. And I, Myself, will begin -- as it is written, "And G-d descended on Mount Sinai," and then it says, "And to Moses He said: Go up to G-d."
  –Midrash Tanchuma, Vaeira 15
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