Smell is the most “spiritual” of our five senses; it can transport us to the loftiest levels of consciousness, and it can be used to restore consciousness to people who have fainted. For this reason, the incense in the Tabernacle expressed our inner unity with G‑d.
When this lofty experience of oneness with G‑d is balanced by humble submission to His will, it is positive; when it outweighs our devotion to G‑d’s will, it becomes suicidal and therefore negative. Thus, when incense was offered up out of the selfish desire to escape reality and responsibility, it proved fatal.
The antidote to this misguided “suicidal” drive is to channel it positively. By persistently choosing to “give up our lives” – i.e., our selfish involvement with unholy enticements – in favor of studying the Torah with humility, the Torah becomes part of us and will remain with us.1
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