G‑d continued with the laws governing cases of theft; responsibilities of borrowers, guardians, and renters; seduction; sorcery; bestiality; idolatry; exploitation; and loans.
Fixing Previous Incarnations
אִם כֶּסֶף תַּלְוֶה אֶת עַמִּי וגו': (שמות כב:כד)
When you lend money . . . Exodus 22:24

The commandment to lend money applies even if the borrower owns possessions that he can theoretically sell. Thus, the commandment to lend money, unlike the commandment to give charity, is intended to benefit not only the poor but also the rich.

If, at times, we are reluctant to lend money to someone who is not poor, we should consider the possibility that in a previous lifetime, the present roles may have been reversed: we may have been the beneficiary of a loan or some other form of help from the person presently requesting a loan from us. This is our opportunity to repay his good deed.1