Deep down, Moses was not questioning G‑d’s justice, but was just seeking to understand it. Moses and the Jewish people had inherited their faith in G‑d from the patriarchs and matriarchs. This faith was indeed very strong, but in order to be redeemed from Egypt and receive the Torah, it was not enough for their relationship with G‑d to be an inheritance from their ancestors; they had to make it their own. Only when a person internalizes his faith and makes it his own can it permeate his whole being.
Ironically, the way we transform our inherited faith into our own possession is by questioning it – not out of doubt or for the mere sake of questioning, but in order to truly understand it.
Thus, in response to Moses’ desire to understand G‑d’s ways, G‑d told him that the purpose of the exile was to enable the people to reach an even higher level of Divine consciousness than they could by relying solely on their inheritance from the patriarchs.1
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