The eleventh and final section of the Book of Exodus opens by informing us whom Moses appointed (Pekudei, in Hebrew) over the functioning and transport of the Tabernacle. Having concluded the account of how the artisans fashioned the various components of the Tabernacle, the Torah proceeds to describe how these same artisans fashioned the priestly garments and how the Tabernacle was finally erected.
Pekudei: Constructing the Tabernacle, continued
Exodus 38:21–40:38
First Reading: Exodus 38:21–39:1
Third Reading: Exodus 39:22–32
Fifth Reading: Exodus 40:1–16
Daily Quote
Ten powerful things were created in the world: mountains are hard, but iron cuts through them; iron is hard, but fire melts it; fire is strong, but water extinguishes it; water is strong, but clouds bear it; clouds are strong, but wind scatters them; wind is strong, but the body contains it; the body is strong, but fear breaks it; fear is potent, but wine dispels it; wine is powerful, but sleep assuages it; and stronger than all these is death. But charity delivers from death.
–Talmud, Bava Batra 10a
The Parshah
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