The sixth section of the Book of Genesis describes the history (Toledot, in Hebrew) of Isaac and his sons, the righteous Jacob and wicked Esau. It first chronicles their birth, which foretells their future conflict. Esau, the firstborn, sells his birthright to Jacob. The narrative then follows Isaac to Philistia, focusing on his curious project of digging wells. We then see Esau marry. Shortly afterward, Rebecca tricks Isaac into conferring his blessings – and thus the future leadership of the Jewish people – to Jacob rather than to his actual firstborn, Esau. After realizing that Rebecca was correct, Isaac sends Jacob to Aram to marry a daughter of one of his kinsmen.
Toldot: Isaac, Jacob, and Esau
Genesis 25:19–28:9
Daily Quote
Behold! A ladder was set on the ground, and its top reached to heaven; and behold, angels of G‑d were ascending and descending upon it.
–Jacob’s dream, Genesis 28:12
The Parshah
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