On the first day, the world was created as a core of solid matter submerged entirely in water. Light was created later on the first day, and the atmosphere on the second day. On the third day, the dry land rose above sea level. The heavenly bodies were placed in outer space on the fourth day, the sea animals populated the oceans on the fifth day, and the land animals and first humans populated the dry land on the sixth day. On the seventh day, G‑d “rested” from creating. Unlike the way He created the other creatures, G‑d created the first human in two stages: He first made a lifeless body, into which He then “blew” the human soul.
The Divine Soul
וַיִּיצֶר ה' אֱלֹקִים את הָאָָדם עָפָר מִן הָאֲָדמָה וִיּפַּח בְּאַפָּיו נשְַׁמת חַיִּים וגו': בראשית ב:ז
G‑d formed the human out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils a soul of life Genesis 2:7.

By “blowing” the soul into the body, G‑d indicated that our soul originates deeper “within” Him than does the rest of creation. This emphasizes the fact that we are the primary purpose of Creation, whereas everything else is secondary.

Our Divine soul is a spark of G‑d. Therefore, the soul can never lose its intrinsic connection with G‑d. Our challenge is to ensurethat this connection remain manifested within our physical being. Just as when one blows, the air can reach its destination only if there are no physical obstructions, so too, the more we free our lives of spiritual “sludge” – harmful or negative thoughts, words, or deeds – the more our G‑dly souls can shine freely.1