When it appears to us that something is wrong in the way G‑d runs the world, G‑d wants us to question Him. But at the same time, we must continue to believe absolutely in G‑d’s reality and goodness.
From where can we draw the power to believe in G‑d so thoroughly that we virtually see Him even in the darkest moments of exile? G‑d answers this question by saying, “I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” The patriarchs and matriarchs possessed this unshakable faith, and we inherit it from them. If we nurture it properly, we, too, will “see” G‑d even when His goodness is not readily apparent.
This faith enables us to live out the final moments of our exile yearning for its end – and demanding it! – while maximizing our use of its remaining moments. In this merit, we will hasten the Messianic Redemption.1
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