On January 18, 1943, the Germans began their second deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto, which led to the first instance of armed resistance. The deportation was halted within a few days; only 5,000 Jews were removed instead of 8,000 as planned. The Nazis retreated, only to return three months later, at which time the Warsaw uprising started in earnest.
Link: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
R. Chaim Kapusi was one of the leading sages of Egypt in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. He passed away at the age of ninety, on 12 Shevat in the year 5391 from Creation (1631).
It is related that R. Chaim once became blind, and the townsfolk spread rumors attributing his condition to bribery, as the verse states, “Bribery blinds the eyes of the wise.” Hearing this, R. Chaim got up before the entire congregation and announced: “If it is true that I have accepted bribery, may my eyes retain their sightlessness. But if it is not true, may my vision be restored!” Miraculously, his vision returned immediately, and he proceeded to identify the congregants by name (Shem Hagedolim).
Link: Don’t Get Bribed!
The physical and the spiritual are not separate entities. They are two faces of each and every thing that exists.
We call the perception of our senses “physical.”
Bu our mind’s eye is able to grasp the same phenomena and see much deeper.
And we call that “spiritual.”
Whatever exists spiritually, must have a physical manifestation. And if something occurs physically, it occurs also spiritually.
If you are happy, for example, hormones are released. Happiness is spiritual. The release of hormones is its physical manifestation.
The same with the universe around you. Everything you see is a manifestation of something spiritual.
In truth, everything that exists is spiritual.
Yet further: Everything is divine.