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Monday, June 24, 2024

Halachic Times (Zmanim)
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Jewish History

The Spanish cabinet approved a bill which granted religious freedom to Spain's Jews as well as other religious minorities. Since 1492 it had been officially forbidden to practice Judaism in Spain -- though this law had not been enforced for many years before its official abolishment.

The Inquisition

Daily Thought

Many believe that truth is the domain of great minds, so that the greater your intellect, the closer you can come to the truth.

But truth is that which knows no bounds. If it is genuine truth, it is to be found everywhere equally.

The same truth that the profound philosopher grasps by intellectual extrapolation and abstraction is found in the simple world of the child, where truths are that which can be seen and touched.

Only that the child has two advantages: The child can see and touch the truth. And the child has truth in its pristine simplicity.

Likkutei Sichot, vol. 15, pp. 79–80; Torat Menachem 5743, Nasso, sec. 22; Sefer ha-Sichot 5752, vol. 1, pp. 126–127; Shabbat Parshat Pinchas 5734; 8th day of Chanukah 5739. For more elaboration, see Limitless Truth for the Limited Mind.