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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Halachic Times (Zmanim)
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Jewish History

Seven months after the beginning of the Great Flood, and 17 days after the waters covering the earth began to subside, the Ark sheltering Noah, his family, and members of all animal species came to rest on the (still submerged) summit of Mount Ararat.

A Chronology of the Flood
The Torah's account of the Flood, with commentary (Parshat Noach)
More on The Flood

The Hasmonean fighters recaptured Migdal Tzur from the Greek enemy and proclaimed this day a holiday (Talmud, Megilat Taanit).

Link: The Macabees

Daily Thought

There is a difference between intellectual inquiry and seeking truth.

In both, the mind eventually finds an axiom, a dead end where it must surrender and say, "This is so because it is so."

If you are simply curious, then it is up to you to accept or reject those axioms--because the results are beautiful or because they are unpleasing; because they are elegant or they are convoluted; because they fit so nicely into everything else you know or they are just too radical.

Ultimately, your conclusions are dependent upon what you want to do and what you don't want to do, who you are and who you want to be, how you see your world and how you want your world to be.

Truth doesn't await your approval. Truth is something you accept despite what you want or don't want to do.

In truth, Truth is often very inconvenient.

In learning Torah, we seek truth.