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Friday, 12 Kislev, 5785

Halachic Times (Zmanim)
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Jewish History

Kislev 12 is the yahrtzeit (date of the passing) of Chabad.org's founding director, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Kazen ("YYK," 1954-1998), widely acclaimed as the "father of the Jewish internet."

Tribute Section to YY Kazen
About YY Kazen
The Soul of Cyberspace

R. Shlomo Luria, known by his acronym Maharshal, was an eminent scholar in sixteenth-century Poland. He headed a yeshiva in Brisk and Lublin and wrote many works, including Yam Shel Shlomo and Chachmas Shlomo. An independent thinker, he did not hesitate to criticize his colleagues when he felt they had erred in their method of Talmudic study and halachic analysis. At the same time, he was an extremely humble person and was the teacher of many great Torah scholars of his generation.

It is related that one night, R. Shlomo sat down to study to the light of a small candle. Miraculously, the candle did not extinguish, allowing R. Shlomo to continue his studies for many hours (Shem Hagedolim).

Link: Rabbi Shlomo Luria

Daily Thought

Tolerance doesn’t care. Tolerance just looks the other way and goes about its own business. Tolerance is Indifferent.

Caring is blind—the kind of caring that cares for everybody, no matter who they are, but doesn’t allow them to step outside the path your caring believes to be good for them. Caring can suffocate.

And then there is deep love. Deep love recognizes another person’s right to grow, their need to travel along a path and get there on their own—and yet has the compassion to be there for them when they are lost.

Deep love has room for a thousand private journeys.