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Tuesday, 14 Tevet, 5785

Halachic Times (Zmanim)
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Jewish History

On this day, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob came to the rescue of the Jewish community of Hebron, after an evil Pasha imprisoned its leaders and threatened to sell the entire Jewish population into slavery.

The Sephardic community of Hebron would celebrate this day to mark the great miracle which occurred.

Purim Hebron
22 Facts About Hebron Every Jew Should Know

R. Abraham Ibn Ezra was visiting London when, one Friday night, he had a fascinating dream. In it, a venerable man approached him and handed him a letter from the Shabbat Queen. R. Abraham read the letter, in which Shabbat informed him that one of his students had attempted to prove that Shabbat begins Saturday morning, and not Friday night, and beseeched his assistance. As a result of this dream, R. Abraham wrote his Epistle of Shabbat, in which he demonstrates beyond doubt that Shabbat indeed begins Friday night.

Links: Four Reasons Shabbat Is Compared to a Bride and a Queen

Daily Thought

Before the Baal Shem Tov, people thought of G‑d as the One who directs all things from above and beyond.

The Baal Shem Tov taught that the vital force of each thing, from which comes its personality, its experience of pain and pleasure, its growth and life—that itself is G‑d.

Not that this is all of G‑d. It is less than a glimmer of G‑d, because He is entirely beyond all such descriptions.

But that life-force is G‑d as He is found within each creature He has made.