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Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Halachic Times (Zmanim)
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Jewish History

In 1541, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and ruler of Spain, led a fleet in an attempted attack against Algiers. Miraculously, a storm capsized many of the attacking boats, resulting in the expedition’s failure and rescuing the city’s Jewish community from Spanish anti-Semitic rule. In commemoration of the miracle, the local community marked 4 MarCheshvan as a “minor Purim,” omitting the penitential Tachanun prayers and partaking of festive meals (Zeh Hashulchan pp. 96–97).

The Other Purims

Daily Thought

Here is how to make an honest living, with confidence and minimal worry:

  1. Determine how much you need to provide for your family’s needs.

  2. Get into a business that can make that sum of money.

  3. Put your best foot forward and do whatever needs to be done.

And stop there. Invest yourself, but don’t enslave yourself. Do your job, but don't become your job. No anxiety, no fretting, no sleepless nights. More will get you less.

That’s a job: You put out a bucket just the right size in the rain and trust that heaven will fill it to the brim.

Derech Mitzvosecha, Tiglachat Metzora; Hayom Yom, 16 Adar II and 5 Tammuz.