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Thursday, 18 Kislev, 5785

Halachic Times (Zmanim)
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Jewish History

Rabbi Abraham Maimuni HaNagid (also called "Rabbi Avraham ben HaRambam") was the only son of Maimonides (the famed Talmudist, codifier of Jewish Law, philosopher, physician and statesmen, Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, 1135-1204). Born in 1185, Rabbi Abraham succeeded his father as the leader of the Jewish community in Fostat (old Cairo), Egypt, at the tender age of 19. He wrote many responsa and commentaries explaining and defending his father's writings and Halachic rulings. Rabbi Abraham passed away on the 18th of Kislev of the year 4998 from creation (1237).

Rabbi Baruch was the son of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov's daughter, Adel, and her husband, Rabbi Yechiel Ashkenazi. He was born in 1753 in Mezhibuz, the town from which his illustrious grandfather led the Chassidic Movement. He was one of the pre-eminent Rebbes (Chassidic masters) in the 3rd generation of Chassidism, and had thousands of disciples and followers.

Link: Stories of Rabbi Baruch of Mezhibuz

Laws and Customs
In Chabad practice, starting in the afternoon, Tachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted.
Daily Thought

In the times of Moses, a great light of divine wisdom shone from the holy ark as it journeyed through the Sinai, scattering all evil forces from their place.

In the times of Solomon, a great light of divine wisdom shone from the holy ark as it rested in the Holy of Holies in the Temple, drawing towards it all that sought wisdom from the farthest reaches of human settlement.

In the times of the Moshiach, a great light of divine wisdom will shine from the holy ark in Jerusalem, so that all humanity will know that we are all divine beings in the temple of Planet Earth, each of us in precisely the place we are meant to be, moving and growing in the harmony and oneness of the one G‑d.

We will discover our true selves.

Maamar Pada B’Shalom 5726.