After two days of traveling, as a result of several flight delays and missed connections, we arrived in a small island called Provo (that is short for Providenciales). Apparently there aren't many sets of twins in these parts—we were asked if we were twins five times before we even left the airport. And we are not twins!

While the island is beautiful, we had no idea where to begin and where to go. We checked into our hotel and quickly set out to explore and see if we could find some fellow Jews. First stop the local supermarket. Oddly enough, we found Manischewitz chicken soup and Rokeach Chanukah candles, but not one person seemed to know any Jewish people on the island!

After realizing that 60% of the kosher food we shlepped with us we could have bought right here on the island, we returned to our hotel. As we were passing the hotel bar, the bar tender mentioned his love for matzah balls, so we stopped to chat. As it turns out, there was a Jewish tourist sitting right behind us. Her ears perked up, and she soon joined the conversation. As a journalist, she took an active interest in the various communities she would visit, and, as such, she was a veritable fount of information. She provided us with several Jewish contacts and even phone numbers. No longer were we worried about where to start!
Looking to report more soon...

We could have bought many of these items right here on the island.
We could have bought many of these items right here on the island.