A Hallmark Card to G‑d
I love Hallmark cards! Aren't those cards so romantic? Aren't the poems so poignant! I want to nominate the Hallmark card as the greatest invention of the 20th century. No need to be creative; no need to waste time putting my feelings and emotions down on paper. I can just go to any store and get a professionally-written card for $2.99! Bingo! I am an instant winner.
I hate Hallmark cards! Aren't those cards so unromantic? Aren't the poems so fake? I can't believe that someone would actually send me such a card, and think that I would appreciate the superficial commercial greeting.
Sometimes when I read from my Machzor on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, I can't help feeling like I'm reading from an impersonal card. The words are beautiful and poetic, but they were written professionally so many centuries ago. Our Holy Sages spent days and nights composing the Holy Prayers, they carry the cries and the hopes of our nation; my heart is sometimes numb and I can't feel that holy energy in me. The lyrics are powerful, they contain worlds of meaning and profundity, but so not personal — so not me.
Sure I'll use the Hallmark card; it’s part of our pop-culture. But I'm always sure to add a personal note. Sometimes the note is longer that the poem, and sometimes I just sign my name. I just want the recipient to know that I'm willing to invest more than just a few pennies in our relationship.
This year, I will add my personal prayer to G‑d along with the traditional reading of the Machzor. As I stand before G‑d and choose Him once again to be my G‑d, I will make sure to personalize my card.