Today Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp all experienced problems, making them difficult (or impossible) to use.
Here are seven things you can do while social media is down.
Learn Torah the Old Fashioned Way
One of the Rebbe’s mitzvah campaigns is to have a “home full of books.” While today one might think of fulfilling it with a kindle full of books, there are times that a kindle won’t cut it… this is one of them. So while the web is is down, open a Torah book! You will be glad you did: They’re always accessible, Shabbat friendly, and ready to explore in your personal or local Jewish library.
Do a Mitzvah
Your favorite social network is down? Go outside and help someone. Take a few coins, put them in a charity box.
Take a Walk outside
Put the phone in your pocket and look at the world without a photo-filter. Our sages teach that the greatness of G‑d can be seen in the majesty of the world.
Make a blessing
Take an apple from the fridge or grab a bottle of seltzer. Take a moment to enjoy a kosher snack - just be sure to thank the One who made it.
Dance for Joy
In the scheme of things, that hot new app not loading remains very firmly a “first world problem.” Celebrate the fact that right now, you are able to do so much good in the world.
Reload That Website
We don’t recommend obsessively refreshing your browser to see if Isitdownrightnow is itself up or down. Our rabbis teach, “think good and it will be good.” Just relax.
Log on to
While much of the Internet went down, is up and ready to inspire. Explore the Torah portion or enjoy a class on Talmud from