Dear readers,

In this week’s Torah portion, Pharaoh wants to annihilate the Jewish people. He understands that the most effective method is through the children. If there are no future Jewish children, there is no future Jewish people.

Pharaoh commanded that all the male baby boys be thrown into the Nile River, while all the baby girls techayun. The simple meaning of the verse is that he allowed the girls to remain alive, but the Lubavitcher Rebbe explains his intent was “to make them live”, i.e. to steep the girls in the Egyptian culture and make them live an assimilated life, forgetting their Jewish traditions.

Pharaoh knew that there would be no continuation of the Jewish people if he could successfully eliminate the children, the boys physically and the girls spiritually.

The Jewish people have always invested enormous energy in our children’s education, realizing they are our future.

Due to the prominent role of children, this week’s editor’s note is written by my ten-year-old daughter, Sara Leah, who shares her own original thought on this week’s Torah portion, which she is currently learning in school. This is how we succeed in fighting the Pharaohs—then and now—and keep our nation strong! Enjoy! —CW

“I’m telling you, it’s true! Why don’t you believe me?” I said to the doubtful person opposite me.

Ever had that annoying moment when someone doesn’t believe you? But what would you do if you were G‑d trying to convince a doubtful person?

In this week’s Parshah, G‑d speaks to Moses from a burning thornbush that was not consumed. G‑d appeared to Moses in a lowly thornbush rather than in a tall, beautiful tree to show him that G‑d felt the pain of His nation.

During this encounter, G‑d asks Moses to go to Pharaoh to save the Jews.

Moses asks G‑d, “What is Your name that I should tell the Jews?”

Moses did not literally mean to ask G‑d His name, but rather, through which quality shown by His name would He take the Jewish people out of exile.

G‑d answers, “E-he-yeh asher e-he-yeh,” meaning, “I will be with you in this exile just as I will be with you in future exiles.”

Moses replied, “Why should I mention to them about future exiles? Isn’t this one already too difficult to handle?”

G‑d replied, “E-he-yeh,” I will be with you.

That first exile was a long time ago. But now we are in another exile, the exile of Edom. And to successfully withstand it, we must believe and remember what G‑d said to Moses long ago. He said that He will be with us in our future exiles.

Now, is that future exile! Let’s be strengthened by remembering G‑d’s reassuring words that He is with us.

Wishing all of you a week full of belief,

Sara Leah Weisberg,
Daughter of the Editor, TJW