Artist’s Statement: When viewing this portrait, one can imagine what it would be like being alone with the Rebbe during a deep, thought-provoking moment. The intention of this piece is to give a personal touch to the public farbrengen experience.
Artist’s Statement: When viewing this portrait, one can imagine what it would be like being alone with the Rebbe during a deep, thought-provoking moment. The intention of this piece is to give a personal touch to the public farbrengen experience.
Rabbi Sholom Nemtzov was privileged to present the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, with a portrait of the Rebbe wearing his tallit and tefillin. Although he painted it exactly as it appeared in the photo, the Rebbe was visibly upset about the positioning of the tefillin on the head. The Rebbe instructed him to correct it, lest someone use the picture as a guide and put on the tefillin incorrectly. Once he fixed it, the Rebbe was very pleased.
Sholom continues to use his G-d given talent to enhance and beautify people’s homes with art that’s pleasing to the eye, inspirational to the mind and comforting to the heart.