The Chabad.org Blog

Time to Get Into Passover Gear!

March 22, 2022 3:55 PM

Dear Friend,

The confetti is still settling from Purim, and Passover (which begins the evening of April 15, 2022) is less than a month away! Yes, it might sound like a long time, but it will be here before we know it.

Because of supply chain disruptions and other factors, we recommend buying your Passover staples a bit earlier than usual—especially your hand-made shmurah matzah, which tends to sell out.

We’ve done the research and collected several options for purchasing this special matzah—including our online Judaica store.

As we prepare for Passover, let us pray that, once again, we will experience miracles! From our family to yours, let us be the first to wish you a kosher and joyous Passover!

Your friends @ Chabad.org

Ukraine Is on My Mind

March 9, 2022

Dear Friend,

It’s two weeks now since the devastating war in Ukraine began, and each day brings with it heartbreaking news. The images coming out of Ukraine are beyond description. On an hourly basis, I hear from Chabad rabbis and their wives in (and near) Ukraine about their life-saving work. With little sleep, they are helping people evacuate, feeding the hungry, arranging medical care, and doing whatever they can to bring light into a country that has been plunged into a darkness unknown in generations.

My colleagues at Chabad.org/News have been working night and day to bring you in-depth and accurate reporting and real-time updates on the Jews of Ukraine, and our editorial team has been doing their best to help us make sense of the incomprehensible.

The joyous holiday of Purim is just around the world, and this year more than ever, we hope and pray that a miracle once again brings peace and tranquility to this world, just like it did for our ancestors in Persia so many years ago.

Happy Purim,

Menachem Posner

On behalf of the Chabad.org Team

P.S.: in the comments section below, share thoughts and messages of hope for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

Can We Make a Difference?

March 1, 2022 2:59 PM

Dear Friend,

Our brothers and sisters in Ukraine are facing all-out war, with missiles, bombs and artillery fire landing all around them. Innocent people are dying.

Are we powerless to help?

As we enter the season of Purim, when a draconian decree was rescinded following heartfelt prayer and repentance, we know we can make a difference.

Do a mitzvah! Put a few coins into a charity box (or swipe your credit card) for a worthy cause, at the moment none worthier than to aid the Jews of Ukraine. Don tefillin, light Shabbat candles before sunset this Friday, and know you just introduced a point of goodness and kindness into a world that needs it more than ever.

Say a few heartfelt chapters of Psalms (especially Chapter 20), and know you have introduced a dose of spiritual energy into a world that seems to be pulsating with negativity.

May G‑d protect our Jewish brothers and sisters and anyone in harm’s way.

Your friend at Chabad.org

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