It’s Been a Really Hard Two Days for Our Family
It’s not often that many of us at the Editorial Team share personal things, but at the same time, we consider every one of you to be dear family with whom we share our sorrows, our joys, our challenges, and our triumphs. With deep pain, we share with you that two of our beloved team members lost parents this week.
On Sunday night, Mrs. Chana Weisberg, editor of and the voice behind Ordinary People, Extraordinary Stories podcast, lost her dear father. Rabbi Dovid Schochet was a strong and wise rabbinic leader of the Toronto Jewish community for more than six decades, and we join the Weisberg and Schochet families as well as Canadian Jewry in mourning his loss and celebrating his incredible contributions.
Then, on Monday, we learned of the tragic passing of Mrs. Rochel Kaplan, mother of Rabbi Yaakov Kaplan, director of ChabadU, which produces the amazing courses that so many of you have come to love and enjoy on a regular basis. Mrs. Kaplan was a poet, teacher, and leader who directed Chabad in Maryland together with her husband, Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan (may he be blessed with long life), for more than 50 years.
Please join us in conferring the traditional wish: May the Omnipresent comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem!
We invite you to send your condolences in the comment section below, and we will make sure they are delivered to the families. (You may also indicate if you wish your comment to remain private and we will not publish it online.)
With wishes that we only share good news with one another!
The Editorial Team