"Sir? Sir? Are you coming?"

You look up. In front of you is the elevator to the top of the Willis Tower, formerly the Sears Tower. Practically the tallest edifice in the world. Taller than the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower or the Empire State Building. Just looking up at this building makes your neck hurt.


We all have a Tower in our lives. An edifice that G‑d has created, something we were meant to fly to the top of. A mission. A goal. A mitzvah. And just like the Willis Tower, our Tower can seem enormous, incredible, beyond comprehension.

And so we tiptoe around. We spend our time sightseeing on the ground below. Looking at the little nice physical objects that the world has to offer. Restaurants, museums, zoos. Enjoyable things, true. But, in the end, we all need to visit the Tower.


Do you hear him? He's calling. He's holding the door open for you. The biggest tower in the world.

Yes, it's scary. Some of us, we're afraid of what might happen if we get on that elevator. What happens if we weren't meant to go up? If the Tower is going to fall? It's happened before . . . What happens if we fall?

Is it any wonder fear of heights and fear of success are such prevalent fears in our world today?

To go up to the top of the Tower—sure it might be beautiful, sure we might love to go up there . . . But we could fail. It could all come crashing down. And then where would we be?

And so we stay on the nice, safe ground. Looking out over the river, watching the reflection of the Tower bounce off the waves.


If only we knew what lies in store for us. The incredible heights we could reach, if we just took that first step, just allowed G‑d to take us by the hand and put us in his Elevator, if we trusted His machinery to help us on our way up. To realize we aren't alone, that a massive amount of thought went into that Tower and that Elevator, and if only we trusted the Chief Architect, we would soon be looking down at the little dots below.

The little world, the one on the ground floor, the one we thought was so interesting . . . but once we're up top, once we're chilling with G‑d, fulfilling His mission, seems suddenly so insignificant.


The door is open. You're being motioned to come in. It's time.