Pictures with a Purpose

Positive Projection

June 28, 2012

"Shammai would say: Greet every person with a joyful, warm countenance."
(Ethics of our Fathers 1:15)

Your world is a reflection of your projection.
Project joy, experience joy.
Project love, experience love.

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at Oneinfocus.org.

From Where Will My Bread Come?

Ithaca, NY

July 12, 2012

Young birds wait open-mouthed,
knowing fully that their nourishment will come only from their parents.

Though we must work to earn our bread,
we cannot forget that the source of all blessing is our Ultimate Parent.

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at Oneinfocus.org.

A Wordly View

Olin Library, Cornell University

June 11, 2012 1:05 PM

Know that which is above you.
(Ethics of our Fathers 2:1)

There are numerous worlds.
There is the terrestrial, tangible world that we know
and where G‑d is more concealed.
And then there are supernal, spiritual, ethereal worlds
where Divine truths are more revealed.
Know however, that all the heavenly worlds are impacted and affected
by you and your actions right here and now.

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at Oneinfocus.org.
The Baal Shem Tov taught that "everything a person sees is a lesson in the service of G-d." Join Michoel on a weekly photo shoot to explore the wisdom of Torah and Chassidic thought through the camera's lens.
OneinfocusOneinfocus is committed to educating and inspiring people on a global scale, using photography and other forms of visual technology to spread Torah, Chassidus and positive life values.
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