Pictures with a Purpose

Precious Time

October 25, 2012 1:09 PM

If not now, when?
(Ethics of the Fathers)

If we do not seize this moment and fulfil its unique purpose, when can we retrieve it?

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at Oneinfocus.org.

Raise The Lip

October 11, 2012

Teshuva, repentance, is an internal process.
One must raise the film that conceals the truth.
and peer beneath the surface.

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at Oneinfocus.org.

Palatial Blessings

Central Park, New York

October 4, 2012

During the month of Elul G‑d leaves His Palace
and approaches us in our natural surroundings.

On Rosh Hashanah we arrive in the city and enter the palace.
There we crown Him our King and draw down a new light.

A light of health, peace and prosperity.

Michoel is an innovative educator, outdoor enthusiast and avid photographer. Michoel grew up in Australia where he used the 'Outback' to refine his photography skills. He pursued studies at Mayanot in Israel, the Rabbinical College of America in New Jersey and Rabbinical studies at Kollel Menachem in Brooklyn NY. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Sarah, and daughter. Read more about his organization at Oneinfocus.org.
The Baal Shem Tov taught that "everything a person sees is a lesson in the service of G-d." Join Michoel on a weekly photo shoot to explore the wisdom of Torah and Chassidic thought through the camera's lens.
OneinfocusOneinfocus is committed to educating and inspiring people on a global scale, using photography and other forms of visual technology to spread Torah, Chassidus and positive life values.
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