Dedicated by Moris and Lillian Tabacinic · In loving memory of Menachem Mendel and Shaindel Tabacinic
Two reasons for sounding the shofar on Rosh Hashanah
Contemporary Voices
Even without a voice, even being cut off from most people, I could find my own path to happiness and emotional health.
Jewish News
The CHAI Art Gallery opened its doors in Brooklyn in 1977

This experience, to give life, to watch it grow, to be torn apart by it, to receive pleasure from it, and to give life again—for this the soul descended from its ethereal heights.

And when it shall return to there, enveloped in these memories, it will finally know their depth. And with them travel ever higher and h...
When a curious boy posed a question to the Rebbe’s mother.
Parshah (Weekly Torah)
Torah doesn’t permit us to have whatever we want just because we want it.
Parshah (Weekly Torah)
Life Lessons From the Parshah - Ki Teitzei
Jewish History
Virtually cut off from other Jewish centers, the Mountain Jews developed their own way of life.
Questions & Answers
When to pray? When is Shabbat? What to do when time and space are not what they are on earth?
Pidyon Haben
Various explanations are given for this relatively new custom. Video
Eitan Mor saved many lives on 10/7 before he was taken hostage to Gaza, where he still remains.
Torah prescriptions for calm and tranquil living
Jewish Quizzes
Test your knowledge of the rabbis who shaped post-Talmudic Judaism.
Someone once said to my father, "The Alter Rebbe's chassidim were always keeping count." My father took a great liking to the saying, and he commented: "That idea characterizes a person's service of G-d. The hours must be 'counted hours,' then the days will be 'counted days.' When a day passes one should know what he has accomplished and what remains yet to be done... In general, one should always see to it that tomorrow should be much better than today."
– Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch (Hayom Yom, Iyar 1)
Noah Dispatches Raven (2105 BCE)
On the 10th of Elul of the year 1656 from creation (2105 BCE), as the Great Flood neared its end, Noah... Read More »
Passing of R. Pinchas Schapiro of Koretz (1791)
R. Pinchas Schapiro of Koretz (1726–1791) was one of the greatest disciples of the Baal Shem Tov, and... Read More »
As the last month of the Jewish year, Elul is traditionally a time of introspection and stocktaking --... Read More »
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