Dedicated by Moris and Lillian Tabacinic · In loving memory of Menachem Mendel and Shaindel Tabacinic
The Fifteenth of Shevat celebrates the New Year for Trees and the marks the beginning of a new fruit-bearing cycle in the Holy Land.
Jewish Quizzes
Do you know when the New Year of Trees is?
Jewish History
He led a vast underground network of Jewish schools in the USSR, ultimately sacrificing his life for Yiddishkeit.

When you look at a human being, you see his hands working, his feet walking, his mouth talking.

You don’t see his heart, his brain, his lungs and kidneys. They work quietly, inside.

But they are the essential organs of life.

The world, too, has hands and feet—those who are making the news, moving things around, s...

Audio & Video Classes
In today’s episode, we’ve got Rabbi Dovi’s favorite band, aggressive shirt salesmen, and goldfish on a tax return; it’s time for your jewish week. Video
How Nissim Black overcame a troubled past of drugs, violence and crime.
Parshah (Weekly Torah)
A Talmudic perspective on the eighth commandment.
Jewish History
Moses' father-in-law who gave up everything to find G-d in the desert.
Parshah (Weekly Torah)
Why the difference between women and men when it comes to teaching the Torah? Video
The Jewish Dating and Marriage Podcast
One who teaches the son of his fellow the Torah, it is regarded as if he had given birth to him
– Talmud, Sanhedrin 19b
Birthday of R. Nechemiah of Dubrowna (1788-1852)
R. Nechemiah was a brilliant Torah scholar who lived in Dubrowna, a town in what is now Belarus. He wa... Read More »
Today is Tu BiShevat ("the 15th of Shevat") which marks the beginning of a "New Year for Trees." This... Read More »
Tachnun is omitted from the prayer services today.
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